Week 8 Of My #SummerofSelfLove

When I started what I'm calling my #SummerofSelfLove ,the goal was to vibrate higher. For me what that meant was staying grounded and shifting my energy pass so much noise and being in a place where my love for mankind was moved by action. Most of my action has taken me toward spending more time with my family which I'm so thankful for. And hugely unexpected, which I suppose it shouldn't be, was the nudge during one morning of prayer and meditation, to consider how I want to be loved and how I'm willing to love. That one hit me hard. I'll be completely honest in sharing that after my divorce in 2017 I simply had not thought of either. Coming out of a relationship that I had been in for 25 years and married 17, I was still in the mind set of the 20 something me, and I knew that would not work for me now. But not having thought about it, I let some things my younger self allowed to come into my space since my divorce. Ooh ya'll, it's been tough.

But this part of my journey is hugely focused on continuing to love myself more which right now means having better discernment of who I allow into my life and the roles I allow them to play; associate, friend (superficial friendships or something more), lover, Boo, Bae, lol. I'm ready to do the work because I'm so worth it. And while I love, love, I also love my happy. Keeping my happy came up during my #SummerofSelfLove prayers and meditations earlier this month. 
As I continue with this beautiful self exploration of loving and honoring me more, I've decided what I want that to look and feel like. I want it to feel comfortable, super comfortable ya'll, with a little bit of sexy from time to time. I've ordered some lounge wear and lingerie, and look forward to ordering a few more pieces. I got this Stone patch Pocket Knit Maxi Cardigan earlier this month for my birthday and it is so, SO comfy. 
Most days I'll probably wear it with this sweater dress which really doesn't feel like a sweater. It's very lightweight and comfortable for just lounging around the house and will be one of my work from home uniforms. And on those nights, even days when I'm just feeling like I want to put on some lingerie also known as lin-ge-rie, I've got this lace cutie and will get one or two more pieces.
I've done really well with committing to this self love time for myself. I've been eating really well which I'm so proud of. I've tuned into myself, mind, body and soul, touching base weekly and monthly for an evaluation of sorts. And I look forward to continuing my self love journey past the summer of 2020. 
Hello Beautiful, Loving Souls. I love sharing and telling you more about the products and deals I find and love. If you love them too and decide to purchase through the links on my blog, I may receive a commission. Pricing and availability are subject to change. 


  1. Congratulations on your progress on your journeys in life and in music so beautifully!
    I stopped by your YouTube channel and enjoyed watching you and listening to you singing on stage in your video Freedom To Be by Ty Swint - YouTube.
    The sweater dress from Missguided that you linked above looks very comfortable.
    You must look absolutely fabulous wearing it!

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