3 Ways To Love Where You Are




Not all of the time, but sometimes in our efforts to achieve the next thing, our next goal, "find" our new love, the "best" next, we often times forget to love where we are and appreciate all that we have. Of course there's nothing wrong with goals and wanting to achieve more, so I think in my humble opinion. But while striving to the next, it's so nice to practice gratefulness, to truly give thanks for what we have and water it so it too feels great and vibrant and green and lush and beautiful {big smile.} 


The 5 love languages is a book that a counselor recommended when my then husband and I were seeking to save and stay in our marriage. Although we divorced, we remain friends and communicate now using some of the lessons we learned. I even use some of the lessons learned to appreciate and love where I am, as I grow and continue my self love journey. 

One of the things shared in the book was to practice words of affirmation. My self love revision of this includes my writing in my gratitude journal loving things I appreciate about myself. Sometimes the love affirmations flow greatly and when they don't, I encourage myself to write at least one thing. I start my words of affirmation in my gratitude journal often like this: Thank you God for where I am. I am safe. I am warm. I have food to prepare meals that I love. I have my health. I have my family who loves me dearly and who I love. I love how I handled the fire alarm situation the other day. I did such a great job getting out safely once I learned the alarm was more than just a test. And I did a great job letting my Honey Bunny know what was taking place so he'd safely come home and without being alarmed once getting near and seeing the fire trucks."


Another way I've learned to appreciate and love where I am is by looking for new things to do. With the pandemic it has inspired me to look for things to do that I typically don't. I've gotten out of a rut for sure of doing the same ole things over and over. Doing something new in my city makes the city feel vibrant, fresh, like new, and helps me to greatly appreciate it all so much. 

I'm rereading The 5 Love Languages and using the exercising, revamping them if you will, to continue my journey of self love. 

Here's an excerpt from The 5 Love Languages that speaks on Words of Affirmation. 

Stay tuned as I continue to explore more of my city and share all that I appreciate and love about it with you. And cheers to blooming and loving you and loving where you are. 

* I do not own any content from The 5 Love Languages. 


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