Love Lingua Nigra

I'm so in love and adore my textured hair adornments from Lingua Nigra. The beautifully crafted, brass pieces are so pretty and delicate and at the same time so strong.

When I purchased the textured hair adornments earlier this year, I thought, "I can't wait to go somewhere special to wear these." They are fit for special occasions, but I had to remind myself that the gift of life is a VERY special occasion. I was also thinking I'd wait until I got braids. However with shops closing down earlier this year that just did not happen, and now that they're back open, I'm a bit reluctant to go.

Celebrating the every day special occasion that is life, I look forward to wearing my Lingua Nigra's textured hair adornments often. They can be worn in so many beautiful ways. Clipping them into my natural hair is so pretty and just feels so special. It's another way to I like to show myself a little extra self love. I know I'll wear them a lot this summer and forever.

Lingua Nigra's designer Alicia Goodwin's pieces are so beautiful, it's hard not towant more. I'm especially loving her When Big Things Happen oval hoop earrings. I love that it is seven ovals that makes the hoop. The number seven is just one of the numbers I like and am drawn to.

Alicia's pieces are charming crafted works of art and so dreamy. I find myself visiting her page often to dream and it's kind of like visiting an art museum for me.


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