7 Ways I'm Getting Into A Summer State of Mind

I don't know exactly what it is, but I'm having a hard time getting into a summer state of mind. I think my summers for me officially kick off when I go to South Beach to cover the American Black Film Festival {ABFF.} There's the beach, the ocean, the palm tress, all the great music, I typically wait til summer to have my very first mojito of the year. Oh my gosh, I just thought about it, I haven't had a mojito.

I'm sure another reason I'm having a tough time is because of everything that is happening in our country, really all over the world. We've so sadly been where we are time and time again, and I can personally recall my first encounters with racism at around age 6 and in regards to police brutality and murders, I have four brothers all of whom have heart breaking experiences, even my mom at the age of 60, and ugh, long story short I've always fought against injustices and always will.

The energy this time felt a little different than when I protested for Kenneth Walker and Trayvon Martin, and even just 4 years ago with the deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castille. Oh my gosh you guys, there are just too many names, we are long over due for change.

But yeah, then there's Covid. Outside of not being able to catch a plane to the beach, in particular South Beach, praise God I have not been affected much. I'm such an introvert to where at the beginning of it all when my work place was still open, I was just waiting for them to say we were closed. I had my work from home gear ready, lol. It never happened which was a bit concerning, but hey, you try to keep your immune system fight ready, stay hydrated and pray. My heart just breaks however at the many people it has and continues to affect, and at the end of the day I know I can still be attacked by it all.
Even with everything going on, it's still such a blessing to be here enjoying this beautiful, crazy thing called life and the change of each season. It's summer ya'll, almost my birthday and yes, even while still fighting for justice and doing my best to stay safe from Covid, I'm getting into a summer state of mind darn it.

Here's how:
1. Even if I don't make it to the beach. I'm buying me a new swimsuit and may have to buy a kiddie pool for a deck. I will sit in it with my mojito. Please believe it.
2. I love me some playlists, so I'm creating me a Summer Sate of Mind playlist.
3. I'm cleaning out my closet and hanging up my summer sun dresses. And maybe buying one or two more.
4. The hopeful romantic in me loves love in all seasons, and since we'll be staying in more, I'm thinking some sexy, summer lingerie will be nice to have around. Even if my honey bunny {HB} and I are just playing board games, I'm slipping into some lin-ge-rie.
5. I'm planning a hiking trip and looking for a waterfall. My HB isn't really into hiking, but we've already made a comprise in going early. I'm so not a morning person, but since he's willing to go, I'll get up early for the hike before it gets too hot out. It's probably best any way so we can beat the heat and possibly also beat any crowds.
6. I'm going to enjoy my summer read. I'm so sad it hasn't arrived yet, but super excited for the author who has been selling out of her books.
7. I'm going to look for social distancing activities for my honey and I to enjoy at least twice a month.

That's about it unless I think of something else. I already slipped into one of my favorite summer dresses just because. Why not.

My dress is no longer available, but some similar and super cute ones are shown below.


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