3 Reasons To Smile

One of my favorite things to wear is a smile. I know that sounds so corny, but it's true. When I take photos for the blog I find myself trying to be all model like, LOL. My interpretation of that is trying to look sexy. I laugh so much at myself during my photo shoots, but this is typically me. When I work with someone professionally I may let them know up front how silly I am. And rather the shoot is alone or with a photographer I remind myself to get in some photos with a smile.

I know it feels good to smile. It's feels so naturally uplifting. And it's just so warm to give and receive a smile. I've been laughing at myself a lot this year because I've been smiling through the mask we have to wear due to Covid-19. I suppose it's past time to brush up on my Tyra Banks smizing skills.

Out of curiosity I looked up if there were any benefits to smiling. And yep, Psychology Today and a few other sources shared that there are.

1. It is said that endorphins are released when we smile. And added bonus, endorphins are natural pain killers.
2. Smiling is said to be contagious. I guess it's like the beautiful Louis Armstrong song that shares, "When you're smiling. When you're smiling. The whole world smiles with you."  I simply adore Mr. Louis Armstrong who is such an amazing and legendary artist. ANNNNND he is a fellow Leo whose birthday is August 4. I had the best time last year celebrating with my dear, dear friends in New Orleans celebrating Louis Armstrong at the Satchmo Festival.

Third, a think a smile can truly brighten up someone's day.

I'm willing to bet there are even more benefits to smiling. It surely does feel good. So go ahead and share that beautiful, warm and radiant smile.


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