5 Wonderful Ways To Start Your Day

When I retired from my career as a spa and massage therapist, I brought along with me some great self care rituals {big smile.} Back then my self care rituals were imperative because I felt it was very important for me to practice what I preached and I'm one of those people who just could not recommend my clients purchase something if I had not actually used it. Another big reason my self care rituals were so important was due to energy. During my 10 hour shift I would see up to as many as 8 clients which may not sound like a lot, but with people coming in with different things in life that stressed them out, they would often times share their stressors before reaching that pivotal point in their massage where they were able to relax. I started rituals before going into work and also self care rituals to release the energies of the day once I left work.

My favorite thing to do in the morning when I worked as a massage therapist was to add drops of lemongrass essential oils into my shower. Oh my gosh, I love the scent of lemongrass. It was the best way to get me going in the mornings. The scent is just so delightful. It reminds me of a childhood candy, Lemonheads {do you know that candy} and the scent just felt like a house full of happy, lol.
Now that I have more time in the mornings, I've added 4 other self care rituals that helps me to have the most amazing day. They were things that I would do from time to time, but doing them all first thing in the morning has become a self care ritual that I love and look forward to.
I'm not stern about the order, but my 5 ways to start the day have kind of come into their own order. Once I wake up and brush my teeth I go ahead and get into the shower adding of course those yummy lemongrass drops. After I moisturize I grab my favorite cup and fill it with water and a tablespoon of lemon juice. Sometimes I squeeze a wedge of fresh lemon juice into it  and enjoy it at room temperature, sometimes warm. I enjoy and sip on my water while I sit in bed to write in my gratitude journal. This is so rewarding. I just like to write down what I'm thankful for and follow up with prayer for a great day for myself and my loved ones. Lastly I grab my yoga mat and do some nice gentle stretches. I may focus on yoga poses from time to time, but here lately it has been simple and gentle stretches that focus on my breath and stillness which helps me to quiet my mind and ground myself.

5 Wonderful Ways To Start Your Day
1. Write in Gratitude Journal
2. Prayer and Meditation
3. Yoga/Gentle Stretches
4. Enjoy 1 to 3 cups of water with lemon
5. Enjoy Lemongrass drops in the shower

Are there any self care rituals you enjoy to start your day.


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