The Invitation

Why are you even here
Why do you whisper those
Sweet nothings in my ear
Why do you touch me
In that way
Why do you go
When I want you to stay
How can you feel my heart beat
My flesh and also my mind
How can you feel these things
Yet still decline
My soul's invitation
my heart's call to you
Where is your response
Why is it not the same
The way my body aches
And yearn for you
Yet I am not ashamed
For the invitation I offered
For you to be mine
I think I get it
We're on different paths
I'm walking hand and hand with you
On a moonlit night on the beach
You're on another part of the map
It's plain to see
But I asked, I danced the danced
Of the self proclaimed
Hopeful Romantic
And it's ok
As Eryka Badhu, do what she do
and as I sang what she sang
"I guess I'll see you next lifetime"
Perhaps things will be different
Perhaps they'll be the same
However I get the feeling
My heart will offer another invitation
She'll remember this flame
The palpitations of every heart's beat
From your scent, your touch, your smile, your stare
The invitation you offered without even knowing
You put an invitation out there
📝: The Invitation
By: Ty Swint
⏰: Tuesday, March 20, 2018, 8:00 P.M.
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