A Celebration Of You

It's almost time to ring in yet another year. Woot! Woot! Any New Year's Eve resolution setters out there?

I try not to plan too much as at one point in time I found myself being a professional planner and well, not actually doing much of anything. And the multi passionate person that I am, it is so very easy to get side tracked. And while I feel like I still have work to do regarding my planning and actually doing balance, I have found a few tricks that works really well for me.

One is I break my goals down into quarters, set fewer goals and I think most importantly is that I review what goals were accomplished and which were not at the end of the quarter, revise where needed and EVEN more importantly, I celebrate myself {big smile.} As carefree as I am, if I don't stop to consider all that I DID do, what I didn't do tend to get the best of me. So taking the time to write a love letter to myself and celebrating me encourages me greatly to keep going and gives me that steam I would find myself loosing after the excitement of THE-NEW-YEAR. And oh my gosh, I can not believe it has been eight years since I've been using this love letter to myself from Self magazine to help me with this celebration, but hey it works. It's simple, it's cute and it's fun.

The love letter to yourself invites you to be kind to yourself, consider all that you've done well and with fill in the blank parts to the love letter, it encourages you with ways to celebrate you.

Ready for a celebration of you? Here's the pdf. And that November 1 date, just feel free to cross that out and put in the date that works best for you. That's what I do, LOL.


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