Loving The Creative Process

Photos By: Othello Carter
Being a multi passionate creative comes with so much joy. It's not always easy, however there are so many aspects of the creative process that I absolutely love. On Instagram I asked what is it that you love most about your creative process.

One of the main things I love is working with other creatives. It's so cool to see their passion. I'm always in such awe of the process and how things come together. And when I have an idea and have the opportunity to work with others and they take it to a WHOLE-'NOTHER-LEVEL, it just makes me so freakin happy and I'm often like, "Wow. You did that!"

One example where I was amazed was when I did my song Foolish. I went to the producer with these sounds I was making with my mouth and from finger snaps, LOL. And he came back with this. The same thing happened with this song. Well, not even, because with Your Love I wasn't even in the room with the producer. I emailed him the sounds I made with my mouth and within less than 24 hours he emailed me with the track to Your Love. I just remember starring at my computer amazed by the sound that was coming from it. And then to be teamed up with the demo singer who showed up and showed out just blew me away. Oh my gosh, there are just so many amazing and talented people out there. I always feel so blessed when I get to work with them.

There's this wonderful energy that comes from creating, watching others create and having the opportunity to work with others. I also love the end result. I think one of my favorite photo shoots to date is the one I did in New Orleans. Thinking back it seems kind of yuckie, the thought of walking and running around the streets in my barefeet, LOL. All I know is that I wanted to shoot with some wings. When planning photo shoots I often like the art of storytelling and loved so much that I could simply share my vision and the photographer took it from their adding his own special flare. Next thing you know I'm running up and down the sidewalks of New Orleans and running back and forth across the street to create a collection of photos that I absolutely love. I enjoyed so much creating with the photographer and exchanging our creative energy and ideas.
When poetry the creative process is a bit different. Although I may become excited while writing, writing poems is something I've always done alone and it is more inner and reflective. I've probably only shared my poems live about four times in my entire lifetime. Well, not counting when I share them to social media which still has more of that feeling of alone. Typically an entire poem comes to me right away and I have to get it down. Sometimes I may revisit my poems and do little edits, but no matter the edits, I can always feel what I felt when I originally created a piece. Here is some of my work here. And I think I may do more live recitals in 2020 and not just via reciting on social media, but you know, live, live, LOL.

In a nutshell I feel like we create every single day. Even if we don't consider ourselves creative. We're creating our lives with our everyday choices. We create our style via putting ourselves together every single day with what we wear, how we style our hair. We're creating meals. Even if it's a frozen dinner and you choose tea over soda, you just created and curated your meal, LOL. Oh goodness, I just made myself laugh so hard. But if you guys have read any of my musings, you know I think we are God's greatest creations and in His image, we too are creators and I for one, absolutely love the creative process.


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