The Love Blooms Art Project - NoogaPeople Interview

I'm so excited for the vision and all that's to come for The Love Blooms Art Project. The opportunity to share more love in our world is always great and such an honor. I've been in prayer a lot about this project, wondering if the messages of love will reach those who may need it most. It often comes to me, thoughts, I suppose the voices of my ancestors to simply follow my heart, trust in God and be faithful in all things. And I just smile and remember that while we might not reach everyone, we'll reach someone and a lot of times that's all it takes.

We can often reach the masses simply by just reaching that one person, being, spirit and soul and from that one person more love blooms and grows.
I know this was true for me when I learned that one of my little brothers had been feeding some homeless people in our city. One day while my brother and I were headed to lunch, a guy was so excited to see him and they talked like old friends. The guy went on to share with me how cool my brother was and shared with me something that my brother had never made mention of. Oh my gosh, I was almost in tears. I was just so proud of my brother and I was reminded how important it is to simply give from the heart.
To be completely honest, I've seen people talk to homeless people like they were less than, frown or look disgusted as they reluctantly shared a dollar or coins, and to see my brother share a loving moment with a friend who just so happen to be homeless touched me so deeply. I remember crying when I told my mom about it. She didn't know either of his actions, but she was not surprised. She knows her son's giving heart.
It was such a privilege to share this moment and more with one of my hometown blogs, noogapeople. Below is my micro interview with noogapeople.
Micro Interview with Ty
CAREER - Creative Director of the Love Blooms Art Project & Multi Passionate Artist
DREAM - To bring people [communities] closer together through universal languages of love.
LOVES - I love people. I think we are so amazing and we are more alike than not. 
HOBBIES - I love going out to eat and trying the latest and greatest restaurants. Attending film festivals and I'm a novice photographer. I love to cook, travel and write. I love visiting art museums and finding mural art when I visit other cities.
DREAM ADVENTURE - Italy – Definitely Italy.
SO, YOU - I'm not sure where they are getting this, LOL, but I hear I'm so sweet. :)
INSPIRES YOU - My family, especially my mom, dads, little brothers and granny and grandma. They have been through so much – yet have taught me that no matter what to try to find the best in people and to love everyone.
STRANGERS IMPACT - While walking to Community Pie to have lunch with one of my brothers. A stranger approached us that my brother actually knew. My brother introduced us and the man shared how cool my brother was and how he had fed him and other homeless people in the community. I knew nothing of this because my brother never spoke of it – but that moment impacted me greatly! It reminded me of the importance of giving from the heart. I am so proud of my little brother, oh my gosh!
GOOD LIFE - Being loved, and loving unconditionally. To give thanks daily for all of the beautiful things that surround us and living life to the fullest.
REMEMBERED FOR - Hmmm? That's a great question. I would say just being a kind, giving and loving person.
CITY CONNECTION - Chattanooga Native
CITY SPOTS - That's a tough one – so many incredible places. Right Now, Whisky Thief. I love the view of our beautiful scenic city from there and everything is so good; the food, drinks, décor and the staff are so sweet.
CITY DREAM - I would love to see love growing and blooming in all of our communities. The people [communities] appreciating, honoring and celebrating what all of our citizens bring to the table. I would love to see a self-love so to speak, from residents of each community bloom out into our city collectively so that everyone feels loved by and truly feel a part of our city.


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