#Fitat46 - MIND, Body and Soul

The other day someone shared that I have a peaceful face and that my essence was one of peace and love. Wow!!! I can not recall in all of my 46 years ever hearing that. Definitely not in that way. I didn't know what to say but thank you.

We carried on our conversation talking a bit about where we were from and where our travels would take us next. We were soon joined by the lady's husband who confirmed that they were headed home to South Carolina and they discussed who would drive first. They were so cute and I thought it was so sweet and wonderful how they seemed to enjoy each other's company. They went on to share more about their journey and told me they may stop over in Ashville, North Carolina. They  told me about the Chihuly blown glass exhibition {it ends tomorrow }suggesting that I may enjoy it. We some how found our way to talks of Utah which I recently visited and they had once lived. They mentioned how nice everyone was out there and I shared that that was also my experience during my brief stay. Learning that we had a love for the arts and music in common, they mentioned that if I visit Utah again, going to see the Utah Mormon Tabernacle Choir would be a treat that I would not want to miss.

I am smiling now as I was smiling during our conversation because I just think it's amazing that we can so easily bond over universal languages such music and art and places. I am also smiling now as I did then because I was at peace. As I set there all alone, enjoying my pineapple, sips of coffee, and my bagel with cream cheese topped with walnuts, brown sugar and cranberries, I WAS AT PEACE. I really don't recall what I was thinking if anything before the couple came and set near me. When I thought back on the conversation, the peaceful face comment played over and over in my mind. I have one person in my life who tells me to fix my face because I am usually heavy in thought and when I'm in that place I scrunch up my forehead without even knowing it. I know I had been heavy in thought maybe a week or so ago. I had been all in my head about romance and relationships as I reflected on the release of my first single Foolish. This small, but great moment, about 10, maybe 15 minutes of conversation reminded me of how far I've come in taking care of myself MIND, Body and Soul.

Also earlier this week, I was talking with a co-worker, 20 years younger than me and she was riled up about issues with her room mate, boyfriend and wanting to go somewhere, but spoke greatly about how she just couldn't go alone. I just lent an hear and suggested on the going alone part that perhaps she try it, it could be fun. I gave a few examples of how I went somewhere alone around her age and how I love more than ever doing things alone now.
Back to the romance and relationship thoughts, I found myself beating myself up as I felt as though I was returning to some of my old and not the best habits from my 20's. However, due to habits I've formed to keep my MIND, body and soul fit, the battle with myself did not last long. Oh my gosh, it even made me laugh because I know me. I could have talked to a million people back in the day about this one thing only to be listened to, but not heard, eyes rolled and more than likely walking away to return to the habit, not truly feeling any better and having given people who I thought were friends, ammo to use against me later. As far as I know, I no longer have those types of people in my life. My mind feels fit. I feel at peace and I feel an almost unexplainable exhale and release of so many things that did not serve my mind, body nor soul well at all. As I thought about the lady's comment, that moment of serenity that I experience a lot now, and as I thought about sharing this blog post, I thought "Ty, so just what do you think it is that keeps your mind fit?" It surely isn't age because, oh my gosh, I have people in my life {fed with long handled spoons or not at all from me} around my age that, as my granny states, keep up more stuff than enough and who always seem to have some type of drama in their life. I reflected and noticed that I have formed the following fit mind habits.

1. I spend time with God daily, giving Him thanks for every thing, everything ya'll. Even when things go wrong I imagine there must be a lesson for me to learn even if I don't see it in the moment.

2. I purposely have a much smaller circle of friends. Even my personal Facebook page is small.

3. I journal daily. Why? It helps me to keep my business to myself and to my small circle of friends which when it comes to the deep, deep stuff, there are only 2 people with whom I share the depths of my soul. We're talking very small. And my work environment unfortunately consists of a lot of gossip both by guests and co-workers. The energy of gossip can be like a disease and very contagious. I find myself having to walk away from it or gently sharing an "Ahhhh, I wouldn't say that." And instead of getting caught up in that energy, I journal. Not every thought needs to be shared and probably shouldn't be.

4. I limit my time on social media. Most of my time on social media is spent promoting The Love Channel with Ty Swint, music, people who inspire me, love and encouragement.

5. I connect with my mom a few times a week. She's my ray of light that is always encouraging and loving. :)

6. I workout. Working out serves so many wonderful purposes. Mind wise it releases those good ole hormones that makes you feel energized and almost like you can take on the world.

7. I love to read. I read at least one book each season, sometimes more.

What habits have you formed for keeping a fit mind?


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