3 Ways To Take Summer's Whites Into Fall

{Photos By Chris Longs}
It's almost my favorite time of the year, Fall. This summer has been really great, not too hot and lots of romantic night breezes. The breezes have even graced us during the day. One thing for sure that I love about the warmer weather are the light, not to heavy clothes that can be worn during the sunnier months. However, Fall just offers up the perfect weather and it's so easy to stay warm, not too hot nor too cold. And we can still wear our lighter clothing without being bogged down with heavy coats and scarves and hats and in my case, I even wear ear muffs with it's colder. Fall is just perfect and fashion wise a nice light jacket or sweater can be added to the cute spring and summer clothes on the chillier nights.
I have more summer whites in my closet than I recall having in other summers from the past. One thing is for sure, I will not be putting away my cute white summer goodies after Labor Day. LOL. I've never been a fan of that rule. I've never been a fan of any fashion rules really. Fashion is art and an expression of self and if you like something, hey, why not wear it. So how will I take my summer cuties into Fall? One way will be by adding animal prints. I've always loved animal prints. You may recall this beauty that I purchased at the Goodwill last year. I have two other very similar dresses. That's how I enjoy animal print. And I also have a really cute animal print clutch and bangle. Adding them to my off shoulder white dress adds a nice little touch. And I hear animal prints are one of the on trend statements for Fall, so hey. I already have some cuties in my closet and may add one more thing, a pair of animal print heels. That will be super sexy with some of my summer white clothing and other goodies in my closet.
Another way I'm taking my summer whites into Fall is by adding some cute boots. I like wearing my tan boots every now and again and my my black ankle boots get a lot of wear during Fall and well into winter. Along with black ankle boots, I typically grab my black jacket {loving this one}It pairs well with the boots and give a bit of edge to one of my favorite white dresses.

So there you have it, 3 fun ways to take your summer's whites into Fall.
1. Add animal prints
2. Add boots
3. Add a cool jacket

And honestly the best way to take any favorite clothing pieces from one season to the next in my opinion is just to do it. My little boho soul loves having fun with fashion. It's such a fun way to express yourself and your own personal style.


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