#YearOfNoFear - Month 10 - May - The Awakening

Hello Beautiful, Loving Souls. As usual and as of late, I just don't know where to start. So much is happening and it seems to all be happening so fast and yet so slowly. I shared at the beginning of my #YearOfNoFear journey that my awakening came the year my 19 year old nephew passed away. I had become stuck in a rut of living day to day just to go to work and to pay bills, having abandoned my dreams of doing those things which brought me the most joy which has always been singing, writing poetry, dancing and indulging in many forms of the arts. Now don't get me wrong. I greatly enjoyed my two to four trips each year often including a pilgrimage to South Beach Miami, often times flying out to Malibu and then two other random trips, one including finally making the trip to Paris, France where I saw Lenny Kravitz in concert for a very first time. And blogging and the use of social media and the connections I was making through them were great and wonderful distractions during my healing process. I spent hours just learning what the blog world was all about as I knew from the start that the goal was to one day monetize my blog with the overall goal being to become a full time creativepreneur via sharing my journey as an aspiring singer and songwriter along with the many things that inspired me along the way. I have to say, so many things and particular people have inspired me. There are so many amazing people out there in the world. And I feel so blessed that I have come to know the beautiful, loving souls that have crossed my path. I know for sure that it has been divine. Each person has reached me right on time. I've also experienced coming across beautiful, loving souls where things didn't go as I had hoped, but the lessons learned were great and I am so sure of it, that the lessons learned will serve me well as my awakening, journey to self and goal of becoming a full time creativepreneur continues.

So just where am I on this #YearOfNoFear journey that is almost over and at the same time just beginning and that will continue for my lifetime. One thing is for sure, the fear has lessened when it comes to performing live and I'm playing my cajon more and more. And the thing that seems to be awakening my soul is to do my absolute best to create music, art and experiences that surpasses my wildest dreams and that brings joy to the many people who have supported me. It's a wonderful, wonderful feeling to want to do what I love, not only for myself and although I want to make a full time living from my passions, not just for money, but the desire in my heart to bring joy to others gives me this amazing feeling that right now I can not recall ever feeling before. Perhaps I have, but hmmm, I don't think so. It's an awakening different than wanting to do what you do to make your parent's proud. My parents are so awesome they remind me of the parent's from the Meet The Fockers movie. They cheered me and my brothers on for everything, showering us with so much unconditional love and encouragement. Even when sharing with us the things we could do better, it came with such amazing love and light. I want to some how share all of that amazing love with my dear friends that follow, inspires and encourage my journey.

First a big huge thank you to you wonderful, loving people who inspire and encourage me. You mean the world to me. So here we go, as late as this post is {YIKES!!!} the journey continues.

May #YearOfNoFearGoals

1. Work on vocals for FOOLISH with the goal of my June 5 studio session to be he last one for this song and ready for a summer {June 20} release.
2. Complete the lyrics for the 2nd song to be released for the Eclectic Love EP.
3. Plan photo and video shoot for the re launch of The Love Channel with Ty Swint and FOOLISH.
4. Plan private practice concert for June.


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