La Vie Est Belle - #YearOfNoFear Month 9 – April

Whew!!! Ok, where do I even start? It’s Saturday night around 8 p.m. and I am absolutely P.O.O.P.E.D POOPED. Work this week has been OMG, omg. And I changed my schedule in March to morning shifts so I can have my evenings free to attend open mic nights for music and poetry during the second quarter. I’m very thankful I could do that. But boy, adjusting to morning shifts for me, a non morning person has kicked my butt. And I’m writing to you tonight from work, picking up a Saturday night for some extra moonla to complete my first single, Foolish. But I’m not complaining a bit.  I’ve got this. And every time I listen to the track for Foolish, that sweet, sweet bass, I’m just like, OH-MY-GOD, the producer did such an awesome job bringing to life what I was hearing in my head. I’m so excited to get Foolish released.

So while I'm a little pooped, I'm moving right ahead. Life is good and I'm doing so many of the things that I love to do and I know the reward of soon being a full time creativepreneur will be well worth the extra work. 

For the first 3 months of 2018 I fiiiiinnnnnnallllly did my first singing performance. Woot! Woot again to that. The Chattanooga Bloggers group was started and we had 2 what I think were great meetings. And moving my 3 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. shift to morning shifts has been a great set up to moving forward with my goals for the second quarter. I contacted the beautiful spirits that I would love to be a part of The Beautiful Project and got it started. I didn’t get it, but I followed through on my goal to apply for a grant to have my love mural done. I started the recording of Foolish, a huge and fun goal. And I applied to sing at one of my hometown’s big music festivals, Riverbend and entered a songwriter’s shoot out which I didn’t get into, but hey, I had to try. And then there were some things not on my monthly #YearOfNoFear goals list which I end up trying, loving and will stick with like my yoga and boxing. I'm having so much fun with the both of them. I've also been learning to do things that while I've always known I could do them, I preferred to have my ex honey bunny do, like putting together my clothes rack. Gotta say, even though it was pretty easy, I was still proud of myself.  So I'm continuing on with my #YearOfNoFear goals, adjusting and readjusting my crown as needed to get to where I want to be. 

April's #YearOfNoFear Goals

1.       Determine if I want to do a KICKSTARTER type fundraiser and if I decide to do so, get it set up and going by May 1.

2.       Perform in front of audience doing both poetry and one or more of my songs.

3.       Have a 3rd meet up for Chattanooga Bloggers.

4.       Apply for press credentials for Bonnaroo and ABFF.

5.       Revisit my goals for 2018, fine tuning and tightening up where needed.
Alright  ya’ll. Happy Spring and cheers to living the life of your dreams, NO FEAR. 


  1. Love this Ty! I love creating monthly goals!

    1. Thank you Beauty. Ditto. It really helps to stay focused and well, kind of on track. :)

  2. Love your April goals for your 'Year of No Fear'! Your rocking it, Ty.
    Haven't been able to catch up on instagram as much as I'd like with you but so I'm thankful to have your posts in my email and can finally connect a bit.
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend and have a wonderful week, Ty!

    1. Hey Beauty, Thank you so much for subscribing and for stopping by. You rock and I appreciate you so much. Hope you're having a great week. Love and Light xoxo :)


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