Freedom To Be

Well, you guys, I finally did it. I had my first experience singing one of my songs live. Oh my gosh, I still can't believe it has taken me this long. Here I am in month seven of my #YearOfNoFear journey and I'm just now doing this. I can kind of kick myself in the butt and pat myself on the back both at the same time, LOL. Now that I've done it, I'm all too excited to practice, practice, practice and do a LOT more. I mean a lot. I already love to travel and never thought about it until last night, Lovie {the name of my cajon} will now be my one carry on. I think she'll fit into the overhead.

So many thoughts went through my mind this morning and are still going through my head as I type. I'm thinking, what else have I allowed fear to hold me back from. I'm still just, I don't know, in disbelieve that it has taken this long. And why such a grappling feeling in this one area of my life. I have no fear of loving and sharing how I feel to others. While I've been pretty lucky in love, I've also bust my head to the white meat when a couple of my heart's desires told me they just didn't want a relationship. Ok, cool. I could move on, there was no shiver in my voice when I asked if they wanted more. No fear of staying hopeful in the romantic love department. There is no fear when taking photos. And I've won scholarships for public speaking, so there's no fear there. And there was no fear when I interviewed celebrities. But this singing thing, it is something that I have loved all of my life. I can do it when alone, in the shower, driving in the car, as of late via my phone to share on social media. But that live thing got me every single time I thought about singing live, in front of people and well, I never did it, until last night. And I'm so happy that I finally did. I'm not going to carry on with myself about it. I'm just going to move right along on this journey of mine and set up practice time the way my mom set it up for me when I studied piano and I'm going to look for and also make opportunities for myself to get out there to sing every chance I get. Will my voice still shiver like last night? Perhaps. Will I mess up? I'm sure I will. Will I have moments where I may reflect and a personal written line makes me want to tear up? I'm sure of it. It all happened last night. But the most important thing is, it happened. 🙂 


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