Ahhhh, Miami Spa Month

A dear friend shared a birthday note with me that said I am the one who discovered that the secret of life is living in spa mood/mode, LOL. :) Of course I am not, however I would encourage her to take time from her busy life and career to tune into and take care of herself. The motto of the spa where I worked was, "If you don't take care of your body, where are you going to live?"
Even before my days as a massage therapist, I learned from my mom the importance of slowing down, being in the moment and taking time for self. My mom and I would often have tea time. And one of my fondest childhood memories is when we'd have tea time with my little brothers on a blanket that my mom would place on the floor and watch the thunderstorms. My mom would open up the windows in the house and we would sit there, quietly enjoying our tea and my mom and brothers their olives, just grounded, enjoying the music of the thunder, the wind and the rain. There was a small time when I loss a sense of the importance to just be, to ground myself and to take care of me, however I quickly and easily found my way back to the importance of caring for myself with what I like to call tune ups.

My current tune ups include a weekly bath with bath salts, essential oils, and flowers. I also workout 4 to 5 times per week where I get to sweat and love the most relaxing part of my workout which is the 30 minutes I spend in the steam room. Oh my gosh, I love the steam room. And every  two to four times out of the year I splurge just a little to treat myself to some extra special time away from the hustle and bustle of life.

This year, I'm looking forward to returning to Miami for their spa month. Miami Spa Month takes place in both July and August, July 1 - August 31. Currently there are 43 spas in the Miami area that are offering special rates, packages and more during spa month. My first experience for Miami's spa month, I chose Lapis spa at the beautiful Fountainbleau Hotel. It was purely heaven on earth. I made the mistake of heading there before my flight and did not have the opportunity to enjoy all of the amenities, but this time around, I look forward to spending the entire day being pampered and pampering myself.

Click here to learn more about Miami Spa Month. Just reading about all of the luxurious and relaxing services being offered almost melts all of your cares away.


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