Fall's Beauty and Preparing For Winter

The extra cold temperatures we've been experiencing in the southern US, in Nashville in particular, have me feeling like I missed saying good bye to Fall and like I'm so, SO unprepared for winter.

Winter officially arrives on December 21, however I've been in my coat and boots a lot here lately. Leaving work late nights to walk out to temperatures in the low 40's that quickly becomes 37, 35 degrees by the time I make it home. YIKES!!! That's pretty darn cold for me, but perhaps because I'm such a sun child.

During a recent visit to Atlanta the temperature was a nice high 60 something degrees with just the perfect breeze. I took advantage by wearing something less heavy on top and by basking in the sun for as long as I could.

Fall is my absolute favorite season. I love how bright and beautiful the trees become in their varying colors of burgundy, this gorgeous fire orange that they become, a golden yellow that just makes me smile and even the brown leaves that fall to the ground. I simply love Fall. It's the sound the leaves make under your feet as you walk across them that I love the most about the fallen leaves.

I was out yesterday and noticed a lot of the trees are starting to lose their leaves and become bare {sad face}. I guess the good thing is that not all the trees will be without their leaves and there will still be their beauty to behold. Nonetheless, it had me thinking about just how unprepared for winter I am. I made a list and started to look online for some winter essentials that I feel will be much needed. I think it's going to be super cold this winter, so preparing for winter is a must in my book. Here are my #WantNeedLove items to get ready for winter.
{Click each item for details.}


  1. Love the colors and Fall is my favorite time of the year

  2. I love winter collections but fall is my favorite. I love the fashionable dresses with silicone breast prosthesis . It's so amazing . The dresses here are so fashionable and stylish. I really like the dashing dresses like this. Really good collectio of fall fashion accessories.


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