What Lifts You?

What lifts you? What gives you wings and makes you feel on top of the world? Have you experienced that feeling lately?

I was eating ice the other day while hanging out with my friend and he chuckled a little sharing with me that the smallest things brings me joy. I was enjoying the ice more than I realized. Now of course my family and I are known for being overly dramatic. The term we use is dramatical.

When I saw this beautiful mural in Nashville, first I knew I had to go down into Nashville's Gulch to capture some photos. And when I got there and saw the hashtags, especially the #WhatLiftsYou, it just brought a big smile to my face. What a beautiful question and thought.

There was nothing to really think about or ponder, so I thought. The two constants in my life, those things that have always lifted me are love and music. They almost go hand in hand. My mom often shares that as I baby, when I would get fussy and would not go to sleep, taking me for a ride with the music on would do the trick. I have always loved music. But, hmmm? I thought about it for a first time in all of my years. Was it the travel, the ride in the car? Or was it the music? Ha ha. Knowing how I feel about music AND travel, I just figured it was both. Growing up I was always singing and doing the one thing that my dad said ladies don't do, whistle. So of course I'm a whistling fool. LOL
I've never been a fan of things one can not or should not do because of their gender or race or what have you. I think we should do those good things that brings us joy and that lifts us. Plus I have a small rebellious side. ;) And then when it comes to love, well, you already know. I'm a hopeful romantic and even when love disappoints, I manage to find those things in love that lifts me. And of course there's my mom and dads and family and friends from whom love overflows. Oh, love, look what you've done to me. You've got me so in love with life to where I even started a blog called The Love Channel.......

There are so many other things that also lifts me; food {is ice food?}, fashion, art, people, just life in general really. However those cloud nine feelings, those things that I could enjoy every single day, even when they may disappoint are most definitely music, love and travel. They just make me feel on top of the world and lifts me every single day.


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