Goku vs Thor ~ Dreams and Desires

Name Eric Nyamor
Home Town: Grand Rapids, MI
Current City: Nashville, TN
“We shouldn’t worry about being able to achieve our dreams, as long as we have the desire to do it” is a favorite quote of comic strip illustrator Eric Nyamor. Eric definitely has the desire as you will read in his #UInspire interview with The Love Channel with Ty Swint. That desire coupled with his amazing talent, there is no doubt that Eric’s dreams will come true. I have a feeling we will see a lot more of Eric’s signature work. Check out more on what inspires Eric, current projects he is working on and work he is doing to inspire middle school students in his interview with TLC below. 
{TLC}: Can you recall what initially inspired your love for the arts, for drawing?
Eric: Comic strips were my initial inspiration. I developed a love for drawing while reading my favorite comic strip, Calvin and Hobbes as a child. I would sketch the characters in my notebook which gave me good practice for developing my own comic strips. I made my first in 2nd grade called Revenge of the Rats. 
{TLC}: Do you have a favorite subject that you like to draw?
Eric: I love drawing comic book characters but in my own style. My favorite commission pieces are X-Men and Spider-man characters. I just finished a piece with Goku vs Thor that came out really nice. I just love drawing characters. I grew up watching and reading and putting my own twist on them.
{TLC}: Is there anything you find challenging about being an artist/illustrator?
Eric: The most difficult part of my job is the misconception that this is not an actual job. Although I love what I do, it definitely takes a lot of work. I often get clients who want pieces done for free in exchange for exposure. They don’t realize the time and effort each piece takes and that it has actual value. Under valuing my work is probably the most frustrating part of what I do. 
{TLC}: How do you typically overcome those challenges?
Eric: To overcome I try to improve with each project, with each piece. Constant improvement so that the value of my work becomes more apparent. Everyday I ask myself what I can do to be better. I also reach out to and model other illustrators work that I respect. I ask illustrators to critique some of my work. I’ll  ask them what technique they use to establish a desire affect I’m looking for. I always want to become better.
{TLC}: Is there a favorite quote or saying that inspires you during your challenges?
Eric: “We Shouldn’t worry about being able to achieve our dreams, as long as we have the desire to do it.”

{TLC}: Is there anything else you would like to share with The LOVE Channel with Ty Swint?
Eric: I’m currently working on some illustrations for an upcoming children’s book by author Shaterial Starnes titled “In My Mommy’s Arms. I’m also creating a comic book for a project called “Made Collaborative”. It’s a project that has middle school kids create a comic story and I the illustrator design the illustrations. I’m working with some great kids. I also plan to have a booth in the Nashville comic con.
Thank you so much Eric for your interview with The Love Channel with Ty Swint. Eric is also the illustrator of the avatar you see for The Love Channel with Ty Swint. He’s such an amazing talent.
You can contact Eric at: http://www.ericnyamor.com and see even more his amazing work on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eric.nyamor 
and Instagram.
 {Illustrations by Eric Nyamor. © 2014 - 2016 All rights reserved}


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