Blogger Bloopers

Wind, rain, lack of sleep or just plain ole looking crazy makes me very thankful for the tools that allow me to crop photos so I can still get some good shots out of the time I put into the blog's photo shoots. I've actually started to practice posing and how to keep from making the craziest of faces that crack me up when I go through my photos. I'm also learning about light and angles and learning some tips about photography from some dear friends who are photographers in hopes of getting more good shots from my shoots. Any way I can find to better utilize my time is always a good thing. Sometimes it can take me 2 hours to edit photos. Plus when I shoot with a professional photographer, editing costs a little extra. Saving time and money are muy importante. 

I look forward to growing and producing better photos to share. In the meantime here are some funny and even weird photos from last month's photo shoots and events. They made me laugh.

This photo was taken in Chattanooga on an oddly windy day. I had hair everywhere and couldn't pretend to eat my doughnut. :)

Ewww. This photo freaks me out a little each time I see it. The sun coming through the blinds made it look like my arm was chopped. Yuck.

I got caught taking a cat nap. 

I can't even explain this look, lol :)

I remember this photo well. I had been out all night Friday for Nashville Fashion Week and this event took place around 10 a.m. Saturday morning. Plus I hadn't had my first cup of coffee. 

The instruction was to turn around and look at the camera. I was like, "huh?"

 Another "huh" moment. I've gotta work on "a look" when someone says to turn and look at the camera. LOL
Hanging out for my niece's birthday. It was past my bedtime. :)


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