
I bet we've all been there. There being a time when we've had some type of problem, better known as "bra-blems" since we're talking about, problems with our bra.

The talk with most of my girl friends almost always has to do with fit. One of my main bra-blems is that my straps are often too loose, giving me a poor and annoying fit. Typically it's an easy fix with simply adjusting the straps.

And I never thought about maintaining my bra-blems the way I schedule and maintain some of my beauty appointments, but I gotta tell you, I like the idea suggested by ThirdLove in this pdf that suggests tightening your bra straps once a month.

Some of my bras I wear more than others. And I've been in a situation a few times when I put on a particular bra that I had not worn in sometime, and pressed for time, it doesn't fit. Now, it's not that it took forever to get it together, but I'm sure I lost about 5 minutes fixing my bra. It never fails right? When you're in a rush. So I think a monthly maintenance of trying on my bras and tightening each one is going to be added to my monthly to-do list. Especially as I become busier as an entrepreneur, blogger and all. I'm always looking for tips to save time.

Another bra-blem I experience is cup gaping. I don't have the most ample bosom and I'm left with cups that do not runneth over. :) I don't know if I just did not look hard enough, but I had no clue that I could buy a half size bra. I've tried going down a cup size, but it would often feel too tight, making things a little uncomfortable. But then the better size, a B cup leaves a little gaping which looks odd, especially when wearing a t-shirt.

I love that ThirdLove offers half sizes, 30 % more sizes than most bra companies. ThirdLove focuses on fit by having more sizes available and also by helping you to find the perfect fit with their patented app and sizing technology.

What kind of bra-blems do you experience? Check out the ThirdLove pdf for some great suggestions and fit solutions to your bra-blems. Plus see the gorgeous selection of bras and more at ThirdLove.

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