6 Year Old Captures Loving Family Photos

Yesterday during a celebration for my granny's 86th birthday, my little cousin was very excited to take photos of everyone. I decided to give him my camera phone to let him have at it.

When I took a look at the photos that he had taken, I thought, "Wow! These are pretty good." I shared with his mom how good his photos were and she told me that he loves to take photos. She explained that he even gives instructions to his subjects, directing them and even silencing them so he can capture the best photo, lol. :)

His dad is a photography. As the saying goes, I guess the apple does not fall far from the tree. E. Starnes seems to have a natural knack for getting the attention of his subjects and capturing heart warming photos.

I was so inspired by him and all of my little cousins who had the joyful attitude that anything is possible. Before giving my camera to E. Starnes, I hesitated a bit, however he assured me that he could do it. I was a little worried that he may drop the phone or misplace it, but then again I thought, "It has a protective cover, what's the worst that can happen?" Needless to say I received my phone back in tact and with 6 loving family photos captured by my 6 year old cousin. I think we may have a {future} photographer on our hands.

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