Princess Leia

I'm kind of getting excited about all the 'Star Wars' make up from CoverGirl, the movie, everything. Every time I think about Star Wars, I always think of this photo of my dad, me and my beautiful mom rocking the Princess Leia buns. I'm going to have to dig through my granny's and moms old photo albums to see if I can find some clearer photos. I just love my mom's super cool 70's look and Princess Leia hairstyle.

I'm thinking perhaps mom and I should go as Princess Leia for Halloween this year. I wonder if I can talk her into going to a little party this year. That should be so much fun. Although mom is the queen, the little girl in me just feels like she is forever a princess. She's just so wonderful and joyful. I'd bet we'd have a blast dressing up for Halloween. It would be a first I believe.

Well, that is my random thought for this Saturday evening. Here are a couple more photos of my mom. I love her so much.


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