#ChooseLOVE Campaign Gift Card Giveaway

Happy Sunday everyone. I hope your today and every day is filled with lots and lots of love. And I also hope you get to see the moon tonight. It is extra cloudy where I am and I could not see it. I'm kind of bummed about that. Perhaps it will clear up out there in time to still get a good view on the east coast.

I just want to thank you guys again for all of your support in sharing the message of love. For a first time campaign we started gently. But my heart is just so broken with many of things taking place in our world today and I am praying that God moves on my heart to be brave enough to share all that I have inside in regards to love and love truly being the answer. I know that may sound very simple and while I know it may not be the easiest of tasks, I just have to believe that there is more love in the world than not. And choosing love starts with each and every one of us in our daily lives and in every thing we do. Once we choose love, we are love and it becomes easier to share and inspire that love.

I was so touched by this campaign because, although the goal in t-shirt sales were not met, the most important goal was met and it blew me away. It blew me away that many of you feel the same way about love. You feel that love is the way and you feel that our world can use more love.

Stay tuned to The Love Channel as more #UInspire interviews are on the way as well as more Music, Fashion, Food, People and Places. All of those universal messages much like love that brings us together as one.

And as a heartfelt thank you for your support, I wanted to give something back. I drew a name ole school style from a hat {smile} to giveaway a Target gift card to one of the supporters of the #ChooseLOVE campaign.

Again, all my thanks and all my love.

And The Winner Is :)



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