What a beautiful campaign. Lisa Price, founder of Carol's Daughter has joined with 'I Am That Girl', an organization that inspires girls to know their self worth. Yes and Amen. I love it. Together Carol's Daughter and I Am That Girl are empowering women all over the world to be who they truly are #BORNandMADE to be, instead of trying to be what others think or say they are "supposed" to be.

"Celebrate who you are" is what Carol's Daughter and I Am That Girl encourages. Another resounding yes and amen from me. It can be so tough for a young lady and for our young men too to truly be who they are. There are so many outside sources telling us, forcing us to be something other than ourselves.

One of my cousins and I had this very conversation last week and have had it other times before. We discussed how much happier we thought people would be if they were encouraged and given the freedom to be who they were born to be. We shared that we felt there would be less depression, less talking about others, less darkness and more light, happiness and more of a true sisterhood and brotherhood if we lived our purpose, the life God intended for us to live.

I'm going to have to invite my cousin to speak on the topic of living God's purpose for ones life. She's an excellent speaker and I would love for her to share her words of wisdom on The Love Channel.

I am very happy to take part in the campaign by Carol's Daughter and I Am That Girl, and you can too. Click here to create your own #BORNandMADE campaign flyer. Here's to living the life of YOUR dreams and being who you were #BORNandMADE to be.

Humbly with Love,


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