Music Monday - 50 Shades of Grey, Yaël Naïm - Toxic

It is a rainy, grey day in Atlanta, Georgia and my mind has wondered off into the 50 Shades of Grey soundtrack. I haven't even read the book or truly gotten into the excitement of it all, however, I am curious to know what 50 Shades of Grey will sound like. I think Beyoncé is scoring it or doing some music or all of the music for it. I'm sure I heard that somewhere last year. I am eager to hear and see what Beyoncé will come up with for 50 Shades of Grey. Meantime, some songs that I think are so darn sexy and would be excellent for the movie is Yaël Naïm's cover of Toxic. If you haven't heard it, you must take a listen. It is very, very nice. H.O.T. HOT.
And recently while planning a visit to Nashville and looking for something to do I came across Glass Animals and their version of Kanye West's Love Lockdown.  Oh my goodness. I looooove it! I like Kanye's original also, however Glass Animals version would be so hot for 50 Shades of Grey
What do you think?


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