Santa Monica's Hidden Treasures

There's something that's a little magical to me about Santa Monica and Hidden Treasures. It's always on my to-do list when I visit the LA area. Leaving LA heading to Santa Monica becomes exciting and magical when passing underneath this tunnel covered in ivy. I'm smiling right now thinking about it. I love passing the pier and the people on their bikes and by foot heading to the beach. And I enjoy making that right to head up to Topanga Canyon. The little girl in me that would often ride up and down Lookout Mountain in Chattanooga with my grand pops loves a winding, mountainous or hilly road. And just as the name suggests, there's Hidden Treasures.

It is the cutest little store with the name displayed in various colors. There's a wagon out front and sometimes tutus hang outside and there may even be a dog that seems to enjoy a good lazy day and the sun just as much as any human.

More treasures wait inside. There are vintage clothes and clothes like jeans from 7 For All Man Kind. The very first time I went, I returned the next day with my aunt and she found a pair of 7 For All Man Kind jeans for only $20.

The next time I go I have to make sure I go ready to s.h.o.p SHOP because there are so many goodies inside. I hear Lisa Bonet and other celebrities bring some of their clothes to Hidden Treasures. I'm not sure how true that is, but hey, regardless, there are plenty of treasures to be found.


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